
About US

At Bedrock Tablets, we capitalize on the persvasive nature of computers in our lives. And as you will see, our product is born from our skills, talents and commitments. The core of a Bedrock Tablet PC is the ability to solve problems that will set us apart from the rest.

CNET has yet to review such a tablet, one that provides unparallelled features including a "cloud" button on the keyboard for one-touch access to your cloud account with login credentials using OAdmin. After all, time is money and that couldn't be more true when running on the cloud. Our atomic-powered processor provides processing speeds never experienced until now. The graphics must be seen to be appreciated. See what Byte, Technet, and more importantly, Gartner and Forrester researchers are saying about the Bedrock Tablet and what it can do for every type of user, personal or business, beginner to coders.

We're actually making Apple blush and HP HyPerventialet, Dell not feel so well and others cry for their mothers as we skyrocket to the top of the most coveted list, 'buyer preference'. Don't be shy, go ahead and tweet us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and buy us online.